Midges, Midges Midges on the Snake and South Fork

Snake River
Noticeably warmer that what we have had throughout most of January and the first week of February. Midge imitations are working best in ledge rock pools, eddies, and seams separating backwater channels from main currents. Surface action is occurring in a tight window from approximately 2pm until 4pm. Nymphs will produce from around noon until 4pm. Double/triple nymph rigs are worth using in pools of six feet of depth or more before 2pm. Dry-dropper rigs with two to three feet of tippet will do the trick later in the day.
Dry flies – Furimsky BDEs, Ritt’s ARF Midge, Parachute Midge Emerger, Chez’s Krystal Winge Midge Emerger, and CDC Midge Emergers
Nymphs – Brillion’s Mellow Yellow, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa, Rojo Midges, and Perdigons.
South Fork
Decent fishing for this time of year on the Swan Valley reach from the Dam down to Conant and on the lower reaches from Kelly’s Island down to Lorenzo. As on the Snake, production is dominated by midges both above and below the surface. Riffle pools, seams, and backwater channels are fishing best from approximately noon until 5pm with the surface action being best from around 1pm to 4pm. Nymphs are best fished as dry-dropper rigs with two to four feet of dropper tippet.
Dry flies – Parachute Midges, Parachute Tricos, CDC Midge Emergers, and Parasol Midges.
Nymphs – Duracells, Brush Hogs, Rainbow Warriors, Copper Johns in red or black, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Brassies, and Perdigons.