Midges! Midges! Midges!

Snake River
Dry fly opportunities are inconsistent from day to day but when it does happen the window has been from around 12:30pm to 3pm. And, of course, its chironomids and almost nothing else. Ledge rock pools remain key targets as they have since early December. Seams and eddies separating backwater channels from main channels current.
All of this water, as well as riffle pools, are good places to use nymph rigs. Shallow rigging in the four to five foot range are producing during the 12:30pm to 3pm timeframe, while deeper rigs – six and a half to eight feet – are working from around 10am until 4pm in water with the right depth and current speeds.
Dry flies – Griffith Gnats, Mating Midges, Ritt’s ARF Midge Adult, Parachute Midges, Bubblehead Emergers, and CDC Midge Emergers.
Nymphs – Brillion’s Mellow Yellow, Duracells, Jujubee Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Zebra Midges, Brassies, and Perdigons.
South Fork
Decent winter fishing on both the upper reach in Swan Valley and the lower reaches below Byington. Consistency has been best from around 10:30am until 3pm, with 12pm to 2pm being the sweet spot. Surface action is most productive on the lower reaches when targeting backwater side channels, seams, and the inside turn of slow current riffles. Dry fly activity is some days squeezed into a tight one-hour window but can be worthwhile if you nail it.
Nymphs have been producing just about everywhere and can offer action until 4pm or even later depending on conditions. Mid-level of the water column is where the best action has been. Going deeper by a foot or two might be required before 11am. Chironomid and CDC soft hackle patterns are producing more so than other patterns.
Dry flies – Renegades, Furmisky BDEs, Parachute Adams, Parachute Midges, and CDC Midge Emergers.
Nymphs – Duracells, Copper Johns in black and olive, Rojo Midges, Booty's Day-2 Midge Pupa, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Zebra Midges, and Perdigons.