A Little Warmer Weather. A Little Better Fishing

Snake River
Continued midge activity as expected but we are starting to see a smattering on winter stones – Neumora – for the first time of the year. The best action with the latter has come on nymph imitations primarily along riffle and seam current margins. There is some dry fly action with adults in slow currents in eddies, ledge rock pools, and backwater channels in a tight window from around 12:30pm until 2pm most days. Midge activity is occurring in the same but is still more intense and lasting for a few hours longer. Midge larva/pupa imitation are getting into fish from around 9:30am until 4pm with the sweet spot being from 11:30 am until 3pm.
Nymph action is occurring in the same waters and can occur as early as 10am but generally slows around 5pm. Most of the takes are occurring in the middle of the water column, but it is still worthwhile to go a little deeper at times or even shallower with dry-dropper rigs with dropper tippet in the two to three range.
Streamers are starting to fish well along banks with slow currents, eddy current margins, seams, troughs, and backwater side channels. Slow water targets are producing best in the morning hours but can fish solid deep into the afternoon. Banks, seams, and troughs start to fish around noon and will produce until 4pm or later. Go with moderately sized baitfish imitations on floating lines or sinking tips in the INT to 3ips range and slow to moderate retrieves.
Dry flies – Furmisky’s BDE, Dark Stimulators, Parachute Adams, Parachute Midges, Chez’s Krystal Wing Midge Emerger, CDC Midge Emerger.
Nymphs – Duracells, Hustlers, Keller’s Matte Deamon, Copper Johns in black or red, Brackett’s LBS, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, and Perdigons.
Streamers – Galloup’s Mini Dungeon, Arum’s Lil’ Kim, Booty Call Minnows, Kreelux, Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow, Slump Busters, Pine Squirrel Zonkers, and Rickards’ Seal Bugger.
South Fork
Better action on the South Fork especially with midge imitations in a variety of water types. CDC nymph attractors and midge larva/pupa are producing best in deep riffle pools, seams, and eddies. Banks with slow to moderate currents are also fishing well. Expect some tentative eats from time-to-time due to continued cool water temps. Midge adult and emerger patterns are producing most days from around noon until 5pm with the sweet spot being from 1pm to 4pm. Adult and emerger imitations are working equally well.
The streamer bite is starting to come on with a bit more consistency on most reaches but especially from Wolf eddy down to Lorenzo and some decent action in the upper canyon as well. Banks have some production, but better targets include backwater side channels, riffle pools, and seam current margins. Moderately sized baitfish imitations are outperforming larger patterns. Tandem rigs separated by three to five feet are working well from between 2pm until 5pm or so. Fish your streamers on floating lines or hover lines or sinking tips in the INT to 3ips range with slow to moderate retrieves and line strip hesitations every now and then.
Dry flies – Griffith Gnats, Renegades, Parachute Adams, Parachute Midges, Ritt’s ARF Midge, Chez’s Krystal Wing Midge Emerger, CDC Midge Emerger.
Nymphs – Duracells, Keller’s Peach Fuzz, Copper Johns in black or red, Devil Jigs, Booty’s Day-2 Midge, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Jujubee Midges, and Perdigons.
Streamers – Goldilocks, Beldar Buggers, Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow, Arum’s Lil’ Kim, Krystal Buggers, Sparkle Yummies, and Muddler Minnows.