Kind of a Better May than Expected
Snake River
The Snake is back and forth between runoff and significant clearing. The tailwater reach from Jackson Lake Dam down to Pacific Creek is the most consistent piece of water. When the river below Pacific Creek is clear, it is still offering very good fishing with stonefly imitations (both adult and nymph) and caddis patterns. Expect the best action to occur from 11am to 5pm. Target riffles, side channels, bankside troughs, and eddies.
Midges are the primary bug below the dam with BWOs around some days. Skwalas are waning but their imitations are still worth considering when fishing clear water seams and spring creek mouths on the rest of the river. Below the dam, focus on slow current riffles, eddies, and seams with midge and mayfly imitations, be they adult or nymph/larva.
Streamers are a good choice most days on the tailwater reach. Go with moderately sized baitfish imitations primarily, although larger patterns can do the trick below Oxbow. Fish these on floating or intermediate sinking lines or sinking tips in the 3ips to 6ips range. Slow to moderate retrieves are working best. Fishing in the dangle will produce from time-to-time as well.
Dry flies – Mary Kays, Circus Peanuts, Purple Bruces, Elk Hair Caddis, Stimulators, Parachute Adams, Booty’s BWO Emerger, Parachute Midges, Chez’s Krystal Wing Midge Emerger, and CDC Midge Emergers.
Nymphs – Pat’s Rubber Leg, San Juan Worms, Copper Johns in red, black, or olive, Military Mayflies, Zebra Midges, Rojo Midges, Jujubee Midges, and Perdigons.
Streamers – Silvey Sculpins, Galloup’s Boogeyman, Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow, Galloup’s Mini Dungeon, Baby Bunnies, Kreelux, Arum’s Lil’ Kim, and Woolley Buggers.
South Fork
Flows from Palisades Reservoir are just under 10,000cfs. Fishing is decent with the most consistent action coming on the lower river from Wolf eddy down to Lorenzo. Surface action is scant, but when it is happening it is mostly on chironomids. The most productive is occurring on the Canyon reach from Conant down to Wolf Eddy. Although slow water targets are key, we are seeing it occur it bit more in faster currents when hatches are heavy. Target banks, riffle tails, confluences, seams, and eddies.
Double/triple nymph rigs are performing decent and one of the only games in town on the upper reaches below the dam. Soft hackle jig patterns are taking the lion’s share of fish with midge patterns working as well. Depths should be in the 6’ to 9’ range from trailing fly to line/suspension device. If going with a dry-dropper rig, tippet lengths should be 6’ or longer. Target banks, riffles, seams, and eddies.
Streamers are working best of all your choices no matter what reach you are fishing. Large to moderately sized patterns are the way to go. Tandem rigs (moderately sized flies) are doing the trick on the upper reach more so than solo baitfish imitations. Go with slow to moderate retrieves (slow especially from the Dam down to the Cottonwood) fished on floating lines or sinking tips in the INT to 3ips range and target banks, submerged structure, side channels, seams, and eddies.
Dry flies – Parachute Adams, Loop Wing BWOs, Booty’s DL BWO Cripple, Parachute Midges, Trico Emergers, Quigley Cripples, Film Critics, and CDC Midge Emergers.
Nymphs – Pat’s Rubber Leg, Duracells, Headlight Hustlers, San Juan Worms, Squirmy Wormies, Copper Johns in red or black, Military Mayflies, Eyed Eggs, Veiled Eggs, Otter’s Soft Milking Eggs, Zebra Midges, and Perdigons.
Streamers – Galloup’s Peanut Envy, Booty’s Quad Bunny, Dali Llamas, Goldilocks, Rustics, Craven’s Swim Coach, McKnight’s Masked Avenger, Arum’s Lil’ Kim, Kreelux, and Marabou Muddlers.
Henry’s Fork
The Hank’s is a good place to be. Decent emergences of caddis occur most days and some days they are prolific. Midges and BWOs are also about, the latter on days with cooler and/or wetter weather. Everything open below Mesa Falls is fishing well. The best surface action occurs from around noon until 5pm. Target riffles, eddies, seams, and submerged structure.
Nymph rigs are working throughout the day in the same water as dry flies. Larger stonefly imitations are producing alongside caddis, BWO, midge, and attractor patterns. Adjust the length of your leader accordingly, although the most consistent action is happening with leader lengths on the four to five and a half foot range from trailing fly to line/suspension device. Dry-dropper rigs will also work in the three to six and a half foot range.
Streamers are producing on when fished along banks, structure, riffle tails, and seam current margins. Both larger and moderately sized baitfish imitation are working. Fish these on floating lines or sinking tips in the INT to 6ips range. Go with slow to moderate retrieves and hesitate after every few line strips. A slower retrieve can produce after the first couple of hesitations.
Dry flies – Circus Peanuts, Elk Hair Caddis, Tent-Wing Caddis, Goddard Caddis, Peking Caddis, Hornburgs, Speed Stimulators, Stimulators, Parachute Adams, Booty’s DL BWO Emerger, Film Critics, Parachute Midges, and CDC Wing Midge Emergers.
Nymphs – Pat’s Rubber Leg, 20-Inchers, Mercer’s Woven Caddis Pupa, Duracells, Brillion’s Lucent Jig, Mopsicles, Chamois Caddis, LOF Pheasant Tails, Lightening Bugs, Military Mayflies, Copper Johns in red, black, or olive, Prince Nymphs, and Flaskback Pheasant Tails, Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa, Zebra Midges, and Perdigons.
Streamers – Strolis’ Masked Avenger, Galloup’s Sex Dungeon, Silvey Sculpins, Galloup’s Boogeyman, McCune’s Sculpin, Arum’s Lil’ Kim, Booty’s Tri-Bunny, Marabou Muddlers, Tiger Sculpins, Chicklets, Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow, Craft Fur Clousers, and Flesh Flies.
