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A Ho-Hum Start to 2022

Snake River

Midges remain the name of the game with surface action occurring just about everyday for at least a couple of hours and sometimes for several hours. The most consistent top-water action is happening in ledge rock pools and eddies. Nymph imitations will work in the same water, as well as slow current riffles and slow current confluences. Dry-dropper rigs is the best way to go most days (two to four feet of dropper tippet). Colder days and in the morning hours may require double/triple nymph rigs wit four to six feet of leader from trailing fly to line/suspension device.

Streamer fishing has been productive in eddies and seams separating backwater side channels from main channels. Use small to moderately sized imitations and floating or hover lines. Slow retrieves with two-foot line strips is the go-to presentation.

Dry flies – Griffith Gnats, Mating Midges, Parachute Midges, CDC Midges Emergers, Bubbleheads Midge Emergers, and Chez’s Krystal Wing Midge Emerger.

Nymphs – Lightening Bugs, Egan’s Iron Lotus, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Zebra Midges, Rojo Midges, Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa, and Perdigons.

Streamers – Booty Call Minnows, Beldar Buggers, Baby Clousers, Slump Busters, and Rickard’s Seal Bugger.

South Fork

As on the Snake, eddies are the key target for adult midge patterns and midge larva/pupa imitations. Riffle pools with slow currents and moderate depths are a close second in terms of productive holding water. With each passing day, dry-dropper rigs seem to be the better way to go if fishing nymphs. Some of the deeper water can be fished effectively with double/triple nymph rigs with four to six feet of leader from trailing fly to line/suspension device.

Streamers have been working when fished along seam current margins and in riffle pools. Submerged structure has been producing as well, especially from mid-afternoon until dusk. Use floating lines or INT tips and go with slow to moderate retrieves. Moderately sized baitfish imitations are working with the same consistency as smaller patterns.

Dry flies - Griffith Gnats, Furimsky BDEs, Parachute Midges, Snowshoe Tricos, CDC Midge Emergers, and Bubblehead Midge Emergers.

Nymphs – Brush Hogs, Duracells, Peach Fuzz Jigs, Rainbow Warriors, Military Mayflies, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Booties Day-2 Midge Pupa, and Perdigons.

Streamers – Arum’s Lil’ Kim, Baby Bunnies, Wet Muddlers, Booty Call Minnows, Kreelux, and Krystal Buggers.


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