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First Report for 2017!

Very chilly weather over the past month, but during those gaps when air temps have climbed into the teens and 20s, we have been getting out on the water (fishing midges, obviously). Luckily, this cold snap is going to break this weekend and more comfortable and productive fishing will be in the cards. Check out the latest report below -

Snake River

Very much a midge game at the moment. You will find them out there even on those days when air temperatures are just a few degrees above zero. Very little by way of surface action, but larva and pupa imitations are working getting into fish in more than respectable fashion. As has been the case over the past month, target riffle pools and the tail of seams.

Larger “attractor” nymphs are picking up fish in bits and pieces, although it is about a 2 to 1 ratio to midge imitations. They are working in the same water as midge larva and pupa patterns. They are also working in the late afternoon hours in faster water at the head of riffles and on the current margins at inside turns on riffles and seams.

Nymphs – Nymph Formerly Known as Prince, Flashback Rubber Leg Hares Ears, Biot Bugs, Lightening Bugs, Robins, Booty’s Deep Stinker Nymph, Zebra Midges, Rojo Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, and Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa.

South Fork

As is the case on the Snake, fishing on the South Fork is primarily a midge game right now, with the best action being at the tail of riffles and seams and on flats (the latter during the afternoon). There is also some action on the surface in the afternoon. It is intermittent at best, but it is worth doing when noses are poking on the surface.

Streamer fishing is inconsistent right now, but is actually a good way to go on the lower river from Heise Bridge down to Lorenzo. The best plan is to go with small to moderately sized baitfish imitations and fish them on a floating or intermediate sinking lines with slow retrieves and even, two foot line strips.

Dry Flies – Parachute Midges, Air-Flo Tricos, Pheasant Tail Emergers, Furimsky BDEs, and Renegades.

Nymphs – Biot Bugs, Zug Bugs, Lightening Bugs, Rainbow Warriors, Copper Johns in red, olive, or black, Booty’s Deep Stinker Nymph, Ice Cream Cone Midges, and Zebra Midges.

Streamers – Sculpzillas, Krystal Buggers, and Rubber Leg Mohair Leeches.

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