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The latest from the Snake and the South Fork

Snake River

The sole focus on the Snake at the moment tends to be slower backwater channels with minimal currents. This is where the action is, and it is primarily on midge larva/pupa patterns. Lightly weighted double nymph rigs with five to six feet of leader are working best. Takes have been slow, so be on your toes.

A noticeable uptick in surface action on warmer days is also occurring in the same water. Once again, takes are slow, so be on the ball and set quick but lightly.

Small streamers continue to produce in respectable fashion in slow currents. Go with floating or hover line, slow retrieves and stay small with your patterns.

Dry Flies – Gould’s Chernobyl Gnat, Ritt’s ARF Midge, CDC Midge Emergers, and Parachute Midges.

Nymphs – Purple Jigs, Peach Fuzz Jigs, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Zebra Midges, Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa, and Jujubee Midges.

Streamers – Fruit Roll-Ups, Slump Busters, Rickard’s Seal Buggers, and Mohair Leeches.

South Fork

Same story on the South Fork as it was a couple of weeks ago – total midge game in most types of holding water. Lightly weighted double nymph rigs in the six to seven foot range from line-leader joint to trailing fly are. Target riffle pools, riffle pool margins, seams, and the margin of eddy currents.

Afternoon surface activity on midge adults/emergers is occurring from approximately noon until around 3pm and can be fairly consistent on days with air temperatures at or above 35 degrees. Target riffle tailouts and eddy current margins, and the inside turns of riffles and seams.

Dry flies – Parachute Midges, Griffith Gnats, CDC Midge Emergers, and Furimsky BDEs.

Nymphs – Copper Johns in red or black, Brassies, Ice Cream Cone Midges, RS-2s, Zebra Midges, Mercer’s Midgling, and Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa.

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